plan it

Race 2 - Gulf Harbour

Gulf Harbour (the venue for race 2) is a spectacular marina complex 45 minutes north of Auckland. The race course runs in close to the marina entrance and boat ramp, inside a small island and then south and east around a series of buoys towards the Tiri Tiri Island reserve. This race is always a difficult race in extremely choppy southerly conditions.

Race start: 12.00pm

For race day information, please visit:

Disappointment for round 2 of the championship at Gulf Harbour with the race being abandoned due to poor visibility and rain preventing the paramedic chopper from flying... a big contrast from the perfect conditions at Taupo!

Morrell Motors has joined the championship points race for the remainder of the season, next round being Maraetai, east of Auckland on the 28th of February. Race start 12pm


Race Results